Sunday, August 22, 2010

Random things about me

Can't really think of a lot that people would really care to know so here's some things you don't care about!
1. I absolutely HATE dieting but for some reason started a biggest loser contest at work... smart I know.
2. I am an active advocate for the American Diabetes Association.
3. I am a senior and super excited to be graduating this year.
4. I have a very unhealthy obsession with Facebook and check it a least 10 times a day.
5. I am married (2 years this month yea!) but don't have children. I do, however, have a fur-child named Chester. He's four and my baby:)


  1. I think I remember reading about Chester before... :)

  2. You did read about Chester... not that it's surprising... he makes his way into every area of my life ha!
